Michigan Clubhouse Survey

The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) publishes an annual survey for Clubhouse programs in the state of Michigan.  The intent of the survey is to quantitatively assess all of the Clubhouse programs utilized by people who have mental illness in the Michigan public mental health system and to promote and support the quality improvement efforts of Clubhouse programs in alignment with the MDCH system transformation effort.

The results of the survey highlight services and supports provided for persons with mental illness in Clubhouse programs across the state.  The report contains information on key structural and operational program indicators as well as clubhouse performance indicators.  It will be used as a guide to enhance practice and to improve Clubhouse outcomes in promoting recovery for individuals with mental illness.

2010 Clubhouse Survey

2011 Clubhouse Survey             Introductory Letter from DCH

2012 Clubhouse Survey             2012 Survey Addenda

2013 Clubhouse Survey             Introductory Letter from DCH

2014 Clubhouse Survey             2014 Cover Letter