CM Employment Outcome Tool

Employment Tool Word Document
Employment Tool with detailed instructions
Employment Tool- Excel Sheet- For Tabulating Results
Clubhouse Employment Outcomes Measurement Tool
A consensus document from the MAC, based on statewide conference calls
Introduction:  In March 2011, ICCD Clubhouse Model Programs achieved placement on the Evidenced-Based Practices list through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  Employment outcomes for Clubhouses played a significant role in SAMSHA’s decision.  They used three journal articles to make their finding, and 2 of the articles focused on employment.  Both articles were studies of employment outcomes at a Clubhouse certified by the International Center for Clubhouse Development (ICCD). Certified Clubhouses follow specific guidelines* for employment systems within the Clubhouse, and they were able to objectively demonstrate strong effectiveness for this model.  Therefore, the ICCD Standards on employment should be seen as the most effective method known to secure an array of employment opportunities for Clubhouse members.  For this reason, many of the questions in this survey encourage fidelity to the ICCD Clubhouse Standards.
* The comprehensive Clubhouse employment system has a strong focus on TE development as well as expectations for SE and IE opportunities, all while utilizing generalist staffing to retain a strong WOD at the Clubhouse. 
1. TE Placement Characteristics                         
            1A) Average Length of Placements:
            In the past year, what was the average tenure of members on TE placements?
            1) 6-9 months
            0) Less than 6 months or more than 9 months or N/A (no TE placements at this time)
1B) Percentage of Community Placements vs. Auspice Placements for TE:
            3) 67-100% Community Placements
            2) 34-66% Community Placements
            1) 1-33% Community Placements
            0) Only auspice placements/ NA
            1C) Percentage of TE Placements scheduled for 15-20 hours of work per week:
2) 51% or more placements are 15-20 hours per week                           
1) 30-50% of placements are 15-20 hours per week
0) 0-29% of placements are 15-20 hours per week/ NA
            1D) Absence coverage by staff and/or members:
            3) Provided on 100% of TE placements
            2) Provided on 51-99% of TE placements
            1) Provided on  0-50% of TE placements
            0) Not provided / NA
            1E) Diversity of Job Descriptions for TE placements:

  • -Clerical

  • -Retail 

  • -Maintenance/ Janitorial

  • -Manufacturing/Assembly

  • -Food Service

  • -Landscaping

  • -Medical Services 

  • -Education 

  • -Other (please specify)     

  • -Other (please specify)                           

            3) 4 or more of the above
            2) 2-3 of the above
            1) 1 of the above
            0) No Transitional Employment at this time
2. Current TE Percentage (number of TE placements / ADA) :
See Standard 22 for definitions
6) > 25%
5) 21 – 25%
4) 16 – 20%
3) 11-15%
2) 6-10%
1) 1-5%
0) No Transitional Employment at this time
3. TE Development Characteristics (Choose all that apply)
a) □ Employment development is included in the director’s job description as a bottom-line responsibility.
b) □ TE support is included in all generalists’ job descriptions including placement management and networking responsibilities.
c) □ TE Development responsibilities are included in the job description for at least one generalist staff.
d) □ The Clubhouse has an advisory board comprised of well-connected community members.
e) □ An Employment Committee exists, comprised of (for example) the Director, staff involved in employment development, member representatives, advisory board members, and well-connected community members.
f) □ The director has attended a 2-week or 3-week Comprehensive Colleague Training at an ICCD Certified Training Base.
g) □ A list of “Target Employers” has been developed to include a wide range of successful businesses.
h) □ All staff who are involved in employment development are integrated generalists who work side-by side with members.
i) □ *One or more current staff (non-director) have attended an ICCD Employment-track training (or 3-week training). (2 points)
j) □ *The Clubhouse has signed up for an ICCD Certification visit, or the Clubhouse is currently certified. (2 points)
4. Stakeholder Buy-In for Standards-Based TE
Select each of the following stakeholder groups based on the following criteria: The individual or a majority of this group would give an affirmative answer to the following question “I believe that a standards-based TE program is an effective way to provide job opportunities for members, and it is worth investing Clubhouse resources for success in this area.” See standard 22 for definitions of “standards-based TE.”
            □ Clubhouse Director             □ Clubhouse Staff
            □ Clubhouse Members            □ Advisory Board
            □ Auspice administrators        □ Auspice Board of Directors
5. Member Choice
1) Members are free to choose the level of employment (TE, SE, IE) in which they want to participate.
0) Members are required to start at a certain level before moving on. (incongruent with Clubhouse philosphy)
6. SE/IE Percentages
(Add the total number of active members currently on SE and IE, and divide by the ADA)
            3) > 25%
            2) 15-25%
            1) 1-14%
            0) No SE/IE members
7. Number of active members (unduplicated) who have started SE/IE placements in the last 12 months (they do not have to be still working to count), divided by ADA.
            3) >12%
            2) 6-12%
            1) 1-5%
            0) 0%
8. Number of the above placements (SE/IE started within the past year) which members generally work 15 hours or more per week.
            3) >50%
            2) 25-50%
            1) 1-24%
            0) No SE/IE placements within the last year over 15 hours/week.
9. Based on a survey of your active membership, what percentage of active members express an interest in working (including members who are working).
4) >80%
3) 61-80%
2) 41-60%
1) 21-40%
0) 0-20%
Employment System Score
Add up each number selected, and count one for each checked box. (*Count 2 for items 3I and 3J)
Total _____ out of 50
Multiply by 2 to get a score out of 100.  ________