November 9

When Michigan insurance companies win, we all lose

Click for advocacy video

Turning Point Featured on Detroit Local News

December 28, 2019

There is great piece on Turning Point that aired recently.

Click here to watch

Employment Event A Success

March 7, 2018

Eighteen companies were recognized at Michigan’s Capitol building on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 for choosing to diversify their workforce by employing adults who have mental illness with the support of Clubhouse employment and recovery centers across Michigan. Seventeen state legislators presented awards to the companies in recognition of their leadership in choosing to give people who have mental illness an opportunity to re-enter the workforce with support. This event is the Third Annual Statewide Employment Celebration, which recognizes these crucial partnerships between businesses and community mental health center programs known as Clubhouses.  The awards were presented in front of a crowd that included over 120 people including Clubhouse members, employers, legislators, family members, and allies.