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Clubhouse Michigan Bylaws

ARTICLE 1: NAME The name of this body shall be Clubhouse Michigan. Upon approval, these bylaws will become the operative guidelines for Clubhouse Michigan.

ARTICLE 2: MISSION Clubhouse Michigan will facilitate the growth and enhancement of Clubhouse International Standards-based Clubhouse programs by supporting people with mental illness to improve their lives. Clubhouse Michigan will support the continued development of existing Michigan Clubhouses as well as nurture the growth of new Clubs throughout our state.

ARTICLE 3: JURISDICTION The territory for this association's jurisdiction is the State of Michigan.

ARTICLE 4: MEMBERSHIP Membership is open to all Clubhouses in the State of Michigan who:

·        Follow the Clubhouse International Standards.

·        Regularly attend Clubhouse Michigan meetings.

·        Pay annual dues. Clubhouse Michigan membership dues are due October 1st of each year, for the sole purpose of carrying out the mission and business of Clubhouse Michigan.

ARTICLE 5: MEETINGS Clubhouse Michigan will meet bi-monthly, generally on the second Wednesday of the month in January, March, May, July, September, and November, and at least six times per year. Committees may meet during the evening before and/or prior to the general meeting, and reports will be included in the agenda.

The site for the general membership meetings that will be held in March, July, and November will be rotated among the three non-central quadrants of the state: north (including the Upper Peninsula), southeast, and southwest. The other three meetings will be held in a central location in January, May, and September.

Meeting locations will be planned in yearly increments, scheduled at the last general membership meeting of the calendar year. Special meetings may be called at any time by any Clubhouse Michigan member Clubhouse, but all Clubhouses must receive a written notice at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

The Meetings Committee will record meeting minutes for all general and special meetings and these minutes are to be approved or amended at the next regularly scheduled Clubhouse Michigan meeting. A meeting notice, agenda, and minutes from the last meeting will be distributed by the Meetings Committee and emailed and/or mailed to all Clubhouse Michigan member Clubhouses at least two weeks before the meeting. The agenda may be amended at the upcoming meeting.

ARTICLE 6: COMMITTEES Committee Chair Clubhouses will serve two-year terms. The chair Clubhouses of the Membership, Meetings, Employment, and Advocacy Committees will be determined at the November meeting of years ending in even numbers. The chair Clubhouses of the Training and Communications committees will be determined at the November meeting of years ending in odd numbers. Clubhouses seeking nomination in a committee will identify the two specific individuals who will be co-chairs of the committee. One co-chair is a member colleague and the other co-chair is a staff colleague. The roles and responsibilities of all Clubhouse Michigan committees are listed in Article 6 of these bylaws. The new chairs will begin their terms in January. The outgoing chairs will provide assistance to facilitate the transition.

Clubhouse Michigan membership may create whatever committees it considers necessary to assist in fulfilling its governance accountability to meet Clubhouse Standards, and to facilitate the growth and enhancement of members. The creation and/or dissolution of standing committees will be determined by consensus of Clubhouse Michigan membership at regularly scheduled meetings. Special notification of proposed standing committee changes will be sent by email/mail to the general membership a minimum of two weeks prior to the next meeting.

Special or ad hoc committees, existing for the duration of completing a specific task or project, may be created and/or dissolved, less formally, and without prior notification, by consensus of Clubhouse Michigan membership, at any given meeting.

Committee meetings may be called by committee chairs or other participating Clubhouses. Reasonable notice of committee meeting date, time, place, and agenda shall be given by the chair to all clubhouses.

Clubhouse Michigan Standing Committees:

Membership: Responsible for the collection of membership dues, maintenance of checking account, Clubhouse outreach, production of an annual Clubhouse Michigan directory, and maintenance of a Clubhouse Michigan e-mail list. The staff co-chair from the Membership Committee Clubhouse shall be considered the “Treasurer” of the organization.

Meetings: Responsible for the coordination and planning of Clubhouse Michigan meetings. This includes coordinating with host Clubhouses regarding facilitation, accommodations, and meeting materials, as described in Article 5 of these bylaws. Facilitating the review and changes of bylaws is also the responsibility of the Meetings Committee. One of the co-chairs from the Meetings Committee Clubhouse shall be considered the “Secretary” of the organization.

Training: Responsible for securing funding to provide training for member Clubhouses through workshops, conferences and other various media. Topics and trainers are to be determined at general Clubhouse Michigan meetings. Coordination of the Michigan Clubhouse Conference Steering Committee.

Communications: Responsible for organizational communications, including but not limited to the organization’s website, email system, social media, and conference calls. Website maintenance includes posting meeting notices, agendas, and minutes, special event information, Clubhouse job postings, resource information, and other relevant content. Significant changes to the design or content of the website will be made only with consensus approval from Clubhouse Michigan.

Any Clubhouse Michigan member Clubhouse may make content suggestions for the website, but each Clubhouse must reach consensus on suggestions within their club before submitting them to the committee chair through a single designated contact. Responsible for maintaining the Clubhouse Michigan social media pages.

This Committee is also responsible for the coordination and planning of Clubhouse Michigan Collaboration Calls. This includes providing notice of conference calls, developing and providing the call agenda, facilitating the call and taking minutes, and distributing minutes in a timely fashion after the call is complete.

Advocacy: Responsible for ensuring a strong public image and sufficient resources for Michigan Clubhouses on local, statewide, and national levels. This includes:

·        Keeping current with relevant advocacy issues and communicating this information to Michigan Clubhouses.

·        Creating strategies to address advocacy concerns as they arise and facilitating broad involvement from Michigan Clubhouses.

·        Understanding that some issues require swift response, and balancing broad involvement with urgency required for each issue. When acting without broad consensus, the coordinating Clubhouse will follow the intentions set forth in the Clubhouse Michigan mission, vision, by-laws, and strategic plan.

·        Act to protect specific Michigan Clubhouses under the threat of closing by diplomatically sending a unified message of support.

Employment: Responsible for promoting Standards-based employment opportunities for Michigan Clubhouses through networking, sharing information, and exploring partnerships with statewide employers. Specific initiatives may include creating and maintaining a list of statewide Clubhouse employment partnerships and leading a planning group for Clubhouse Michigan employer recognition.


The Guidance Committee would consist of the co-chairs of the Committee coordinating Clubhouses as defined above. Co-chairs from two additional Clubhouses will be selected as “at large” Guidance   members, and they will be selected on alternating Novembers at the general meetings for two year terms. Regional diversity is encouraged within the Guidance Board, and this should be considered during selection of Committee Clubhouses.  In addition to the responsibilities assigned to each Committee in the bylaws, the Guidance Committee   recommends and evaluates the Presiding Clubhouse. The Guidance Committee meets 4 times per year, either in person or via conference call. Special meetings may be called at any time with a 3 day notice. Guidance Committee notes are to be made public.

The Presiding Clubhouse would carry out the executive functions and responsibilities inherent in the organization. This position is selected by the Clubhouse Michigan general assembly, by a vote, at the January meeting. They serve a three year term. The Director or designee from this Clubhouse shall be considered the “President” of the organization.

Central responsibilities include:

·        Oversight of the Guidance Committee Clubhouses by ensuring that each committee has created reasonable action items and is making satisfactory progress towards such objectives

·        Completing necessary paperwork in the maintenance of the organization including 501(c)(3), accounting, and other related documents

·        Applying for grants and spearheading statewide fundraisers. A portion of these funds, with a (percentage TBD by Clubhouse Michigan), may be retained to offset administrative time and costs.

·        Seeking broad feedback from the Michigan Clubhouse community regarding decisions. Decisions would continue to be made by consensus at Clubhouse Michigan meetings whenever possible.

·        Communicating to partners, stakeholders, and the media on behalf of the organization

·        Setting goals at the beginning of their term and routinely reporting goal progress to the Guidance Board and at general meetings


If a co-chair of a committee can no longer perform their duties, their Clubhouse will select a replacement by consensus. Committee terms will remain in effect regardless of co-chair changes. If the designee at the Presiding Clubhouse can no longer perform their duties, then a special election will be held at the next Clubhouse Michigan general meeting.


Amendments to the Clubhouse Michigan By-Laws may be proposed at any regular General Meeting, and considered for consensus at the following meeting. Any Clubhouse can recommend a change or amendment to the bylaws. Clubhouses seeking a change or amendment must introduce their proposal at a regular General Meeting to allow for any clarification. All recommendations for change must be submitted to the meetings committee.

 Approved 9-09-2020