
The ultimate goal of a Clubhouse is to support members in becoming more independent and assimilating into the community.  It is a place where the strengths, abilities and potential of a member are realized, and as that happens they begin to gain confidence.  As a result, members start realizing they are able to work, which leads to a search for appropriate employment.  Employment is a right for anyone, and yet 90% of people with serious mental illness are under or unemployed.  The Clubhouse environment is designed to help reduce those numbers.

There are three types of employment within the Clubhouse: Transitional Employment (TE), Supported Employment (SE), and Independent Employment (IE).

          TE, SE, and IE all also come with the added benefit of being provided through the Clubhouse community, which means that members continue to have access to all the benefits of membership, regardless of whether or not they are able to attend the Clubhouse day program.  After hours social rec opportunities help members maintain a healthy work/play life balance, and evening employment dinners provide an opportunity to share, bond with, support and seek support from other member who are working or are interested in working.

           All members who have the time outside of their work schedule are encouraged to come to the Clubhouse during the day so that they can stay connected to their Clubhouse support network.



Bilby, Ralph.  A Response to Criticisms of Transitional Employment.  1991.